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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Assignment 1B: Respond to Two Articles

Assignment 1B: Respond to Two Articles

Q Assignment 1B: Respond to Two Articles Instructions: Read two scholarly articles that relate to your program/organization’s work with infants/toddlers and their families, and write a response (description below) 2 pages, double-spaced, 15 points This will be a brief overview that will help you prepare for your Analysis of Organization (#1C) You will choose 1 article from the list (see Support Resources below) that supports your chosen organization’s work with infants/toddlers and families. You will also find 1 article that supports the organization or program’s work with infants/toddlers and their families on your own. SSU library or Google Scholar are good options for searching for an article related to your organization or the population they serve. Read both articles and respond to the following: What were the most significant points/findings you learned from the articles? (refer to at least 2 sections from each; 4 total) Do you think the research methods were valid? Why or why not? What is missing from the research, or what would you like to learn more about? What are the most important aspects of this organization’s work? Review the Rubric: Single-Point-Rubric-.docx Note: Include the citations (in APA format) for the pre-selected article you plan to use for this assignment, and for the additional article that you found Support Resources: 01 AVANCE Research.pdf 02 Educare research.pdf 03 EHS Research.pdf 04 The FIND Research.pdf 05 The Fatherhood Project-Research-Review.pdf 06 Fussy Baby Network Research.pdf 07 Incredible Years Parenting Program Research.pdf 08 NFP Research.pdf 09 MOM Power Research.pdf 10 New Beginnings Research.pdf

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In the article, “High-quality early education: Age of entry and time in care differences in student outcomes for English-only and dual language learners”, the author has tried to about the quality of early education and how the age of children, and their language, affects the outcome of learning (Yazejian, Bryant, Freel, & Burchinal, 2015). The most significant points and findings, which I have learned from the articles, are that the more time a parent will invest in early education and care programs, the greater benefits they will receive in children outcomes. Classroom quality and demographic characteristics are hierarchically controlled by longitudinal assessments of children’s receptive language and other social emotional skills (Yazejian, Bryant, Freel, & Burchinal, 2015).